Ingrown Toenails Removal
One of the most common problems people experience with their toes is the ingrown toenail. This condition can be caused by nails that have been cut too short, not cutting your nails straight across, an injury or when your toenails are excessively large or curved.
Pain from ingrown toenails can be felt along the side of the toenail. There may also be redness and swelling in the area. If the toenail is infected, there may be draining from pus accumulation.
Some individuals will opt for fashion over comfort, wearing shoes that are too tight or too short. These practices can result in the development of ingrown toenails. Most often, the big toe is involved, although an ingrown toenail can occur on any of your toes.
Ingrown toenails can also be the result of a congenital condition. Some individuals inherit large toenails on small toes. The problem is created when the skin on the side of the nail begins to grow over the nail, producing pain and swelling.
Treatment for ingrown toenails should begin as soon as the issue is identified. Home care can prevent the need for medical treatment if the problem is addressed in its early stages. If home care does not yield results within 2-3 days, you should be seen by a doctor.
Surgical Treatment for Ingrown Toenails
Surgical treatment may be necessary if there is excessive inflammation, swelling, pain and infection. Depending on the extent of the problem, the doctor may need to remove part or all of the toenail.
Partial removal of the toenail may need to include a portion of the underlying nail bed and some of the soft tissues involved. Sometimes, part of the growth center may also need to be removed.
Surgery stops the edge of the nail from growing inward toward the skin as it grows forward. When ingrown nails recur and become infected often, you doctor may recommend permanent removal of the nail.
If you or your child suffers from recurrent ingrown toenails, or you have one that is not responding to homecare, contact the office of Dr. Stuart Mogul. Schedule an appointment with us for an examination and consultation.