Do You Experience Issues with Your Ankle in Cold Weather?

Your ankle is a pivotal part of your body’s ability for movement. Working as a hinge between the foot and the leg, it stabilizes on uneven ground, allowing movement over any kind of terrain. The ankle joint itself is synovial, in that the leg bones do not directly interact with the foot.
This allows for a greater range of movement, but adds weakness. Our bodies seek to compensate for this by supporting the ankle with strong tendons that support movement and act as shock absorbers when walking or running.
What to Do if You Experience a Sprained Ankle
Our ankles support us every day. Given the fluidity of this joint, the pressure on ligaments ensures that can you walk, run and play to your greatest potential. One of the most common injuries Stuart J. Mogul encounters at his New York clinic is sprained ankles. Many individuals and athletes have come to Dr. Mogul with ankle and foot problems.
In most cases, the R.I.C.E. treatment plan will treat minor sprains. If you think you have suffered a sprain, you should first REST the offending ankle joint. Next, apply ICE to the affected area (frozen vegetables make an excellent substitute for an ice pack) but do not apply cold treatment for more than 20 minutes. Use an elastic medical bandage to apply COMPRESSION. Lay back and allow ELEVATON of the area above the heart to aid your healing.
Is Your Sprain Injury Still a Concern?
A persistent injury or symptoms that increase in severity is cause for concern. You may have suffered greater damage to the ankle joint than previously suspected. It is not unusual for pain and discomfort to worsen once the initial shock of an injury has worn off. If you are in severe discomfort, do not hesitate to seek treatment in New York.
With the onset of cold winter weather, you may notice your previous injury is troubling. Constant turning of the ankle (especially on icy or on uneven ground), discomfort, swelling and tenderness could indicate a sprain that has not healed properly. Don’t suffer with these symptoms – contact the office of Dr. Stuart Mogul today.
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1111 Park Avenue Suite 1B
New York, NY 10128
Phone: (212) 769-0066
Monday - Friday 8:30 AM – 6:00 PM